How does undereating cause binge eating?

Undereating can lead to binge eating through a variety of psychological and physiological mechanisms:

  1. Biological Responses: When you consistently undereat, your body may go into a state of deprivation. This triggers biological responses aimed at ensuring survival, such as increased hunger hormones like ghrelin and decreased levels of satiety hormones like leptin. These hormonal changes can intensify feelings of hunger and drive compulsive eating behaviors.

  2. Psychological Factors: Undereating can lead to obsessive thoughts about food and eating. The restriction mindset can make certain foods seem more desirable or forbidden, leading to cravings and eventual overconsumption when the individual loses control over their eating habits.

  3. Binge-Purge Cycle: Undereating followed by binge eating can sometimes become a cyclical pattern, especially in individuals with eating disorders like bulimia nervosa. After periods of restriction, the body may respond with intense cravings and urges to consume large amounts of food, which can feel uncontrollable. Following a binge, feelings of guilt, shame, and the desire to compensate often lead to further restriction or purging behaviors.

  4. Emotional Eating: Undereating can exacerbate emotional distress

Fueling your body is vital, concentrate on foods you can add into your diet not remove.


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